In a Nutshell
For my Major Project, as part of the MA in Service Design,  I used a human-centred approach to improve the self-care of Diabetes type 1 patients. By introducing an AI conversational experience (personified by a virtual assistant) to diabetes management, users benefit from adding a QUALITATIVE layer to digital health solutions that are too focused on numbers and targets. 
The Challenge
The starting point of this project was an investigation around the reasons behind the slow adoption of Diabetes Digital Solutions by people with diabetes. Exploring the motives, in my research I realised that current digital tools offered by the industry sometimes dehumanise and disempower patients by quantifying their condition and simplifying it in numbers and trends.

Photo of a diabetes app and the text: Only 7.8% of diabetics that have a smartphone use a diabetes app
image of the patient's journey and main insight
My Approach
My process combined different design management methodologies to get the most valuable output for the people who would use the service:
1. Research
I used Primary and Secondary Research methods to understand the Diabetes Digital Management ecosystem and its users. Mapping their relationship with condition management, pain points and motivations, I identified opportunities in the patient's journey. 

2. Define
At this stage, I captured the insights, defining my target users and creating a concept that could be turned into sketches of possible solutions. 
From the research, I realised that digital solutions should try to bring more context to data collection, adding a qualitative layer and making patients think about the numbers. 
My Approach

3. Iterate 

In this phase, I used the “Lean Startup” methodology, which is based on testing and evolving simple ideas as soon as possible. To make my delivery more relevant, I started from what was defined in the last phase to create prototypes (BUILD) that were tested with users (TEST) and then improved and modified according to the feedback (LEARN).

My final prototype emulated a chatbot that would ask questions related to blood glucose recording, allowing patients to reflect on their numbers and consider what were the factors affecting them.   

4. Service Proposition
Finally, I designed the final outputs based on all the learnings of the previous stage, creating a service proposition and elements that can help understand and deliver it.
Service blueprint and business model canvas
a poster for the project - DEMA: A conversational experience to qualify diabetes management
The Impact
The project was part of the degree show in LCC (London College of Communication) and I could present it to tutors and the general public.

The feedback was positive, especially from people with diabetes, who are potential users, and industry players, who used this work to prove how current solutions could be more patient-centred. 
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